Publications and Presentations
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Visualization – Next Step in Relief System Design Documentation (AIChE DIERS Fall Conference, Houston, TX October 18, 2022) – Presenter
Pressure-Relief System Design: Developments and Deficiencies (Chemical Engineering Magazine, March 1, 2018)
Incorporating Risk into the Pressure Relief System Design Process (CCPS Middle East Conference on Process Safety, October 10, 2017)
Essentials of PRV Stability (AIChE Academy, Webinar, September 3, 2017)
RAGAGEP Considerations for Relief and Flare Systems (Process Safety Progress, Vol. 36, Issue 1: 18-23, March 2017) – Co-Author
Modeling of Relief and Flare Systems (AIChE CCPS 12th Global Congress on Process Safety, Houston, TX, April 13, 2016) – Session Co-Chair
RAGAGEP Considerations for Relief and Flare Systems (AIChE CCPS 12th Global Congress on Process Safety, Houston, TX, April 12, 2016) – Co-Author
Practical Risk Based Approach to Pressure Relief and Effluent Handling System Design (AIChE CCPS 12th Global Congress on Process Safety, Houston, TX, April 12, 2016) – Author and Presenter
Relief Considerations for Low Pressure Storage Tanks (AIChE CCPS 11th Global Congress on Process Safety, Austin, TX, April 27, 2015) – Session Chair
A Comparison of Relief Requirement Estimations for Distillation Columns (AIChE DIERS Users Group, Houston, TX April 30, 2014) – Presenter
Estimating Relief Requirements Due to Failure of Automatic Controls (AIChE DIERS Users Group, Houston, TX April 28, 2014) – Presenter